What do you do for security? Are my messages secure?
Messages never touch our servers. They're sent directly to the platforms, preserving end-to-end encryption. Texts app works like the official app does.
What happens if you get hacked?
Our servers host no sensitive data, messages or account credentials. All your data stays on-device. Your data continues to stay secure in the event of a security breach.
Where can I run the app?
Texts app runs on macOS, Windows and Linux while Beeper is available for desktop, iOS and Android.
What messaging platforms do you support?
iMessage (only on macOS), SMS (with iMessage), WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Messenger, X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, IRC, Slack and Discord DMs.
How do you make money?
Texts charges users a monthly subscription starting at $12.50/month (billed yearly) for access to additional features of the app.
How does it work technically?
All integrations were implemented in-house using the Texts Platform SDK.
What is the difference between Texts and Beeper?
Texts runs entirely on device while Beeper runs on cloud. We are working on a combined app with the best features of both.
Who is behind it?
Texts is an Automattic product founded by Kishan Bagaria. We are the people behind Beeper, WordPress.com, Pocket Casts, Tumblr, Day One, Gravatar, and much more.
I found a security vulnerability. How do I report it?
HackerOne or email [email protected].